Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Good Voodoo | Not too Ba$her

Joldine Moate 'The chief smokeress' prepares to set Rye on fire in the evening after a good days work in the Dungeness Smokery

Moates (Kes & Joldine team) - *The only smokehouse on Dungeness beach.. The Dungeness smokery -

*Personally, I can vouch for the carefully prepared varieties of oak smoked fayre..

I eat some every day of the week..

So far.. Cod, Kippers, Bloaters, prawns, other varieties locally caught on the day in the bay - Smoked cheeses *Goats cheese*, Garlic + more..

*New range - Gently smoked oatcakes (a winner) -

It's allgood..

On the $tones..


  1. They.. (The Moate family) are the inter-generational Oakie Smokie masters..

  2. Gonna try my finger at rude healths oaty thins....
    They look the thing!!

  3. He does a 'spelt' range that are V, moreishe..

    *Didn't last a day in the larder..


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